Originally Posted by kjhadfield
i had this same problem, sprint. i took the nbh file out to flash sd card and the 1st time it had the align screen pop up 3 times(not sure why?), the voice command error came up then the screen to set time zone popped up then frooze! (waited bout 5 mins) so i popped the battery out then went threw the same thing same problems, scared the skit outta me. so i manually put it into bootloader agian to try re flash, align screen popped up 3 times agian, voice command error popped up agian and it took a long time to go threw the proccess after you select time zone and hit next... any light can be shed on this? is everything i went threw supposed to happen?
i also have noticed a couple other things, email bubble on email account is under another icon instead of on top(not the bubble that shows on the email tab but in that tab the bubble on that email account.
i thought it was mentioned xda_uc was gonna be included...
there were a couple other things i noticed but cant think of them of the top, will post later
oh yea thanks for the rom
yea i thought about xda_uc, but i will never have mortscript in my roms. so let me appologize to all, but it wont happen. Anyways, im out for the night, Happy new years to all!