Originally Posted by IGGUS
So I've been trying to reflash my GF's TP which has been running a MightyROM for about 6 months now. We've tried most recently EnergyROM which we just couldn't get data to work.
Now after flashing back and forth to the Sprint stock, VZW stock, MightyROM and Energy, even voice doesn't work. Gives a message about 'America's Roaming Network' or something...
Anyway, I've been looking for the original thread about converting from Sprint to VZW and see how VZW's been blocking ESNs, etc. This shouldn't affect the TP which has been working, and I'm thinking there's something I've changed improperly in QPST or something... does anyone know where I can find this original info???
Yes I've been searching for days now so don't think this is a repost! Thanks!!
The ROM has nothing to do with getting data to work. In order for that to happen there are some fundamentally different settings on the phone - public DMU key & MIP settings are different for the 2 networks, and ROMs don't touch those.
Also, the only way to really get a non-VZW TP on Verizon is to get them to add the MEID. Is that how you got her's on the network originally? If not, perhaps it's just coincidence that the services don't work, and VZW managed to close a loophole around the same time you flashed.
Since you're not getting voice services, I'm guessing that the MEID is not added. You can call VZW and ask them - it's one of the numbers underneath the battery...
If you did add the MEID then it should be pretty easy to clear up and get data working again, and perhaps a quick call to VZW will get the voice back on. Sometimes things get hung on their end.
The searches you'll want to do on forums here (and elsewhere) should include:
public dmu key
MIP settings (use epst or qpst for this)
I haven't done this in quite a while so I don't remember the exact steps, but the info is on this board.
If you did not get the phone's MEID added to the list on VZW, then you'll need to do that, and it can be a frustrating process since a large percentage of VZW employees have no idea how to do it or that it can even be done. You'll have to find one that both knows how and is willing to. DO NOT mention that the phone is Sprint branded.