No, I was use only dcd at xda dev's custom ROM VZW 2.17,,
and it's clean ROM... no extra for anything at all,,
but, the TEGAKI input only not work in IME31JQVGAF.
IME31J have many options to input, TEGAKI is JP handwrite
recognize. If anyone can help me get this work to VZW ROM
@2.17 WM6... I will be so grateful.
I flash dcd VZW 2.17... its good ROM,, but little trouble with my SIP
so I need run unstable 2.09 (((> <)))
Instruction say please install LetsJapan, make do soft reset,,
afterward install ime31j, make soft reset.
Then you will see.. no can work -> TEGAKI.
Some ROM is ok... 2.09 VZW stock is ok TEGAKI, but no dcd VZW 2.17
So... I'm sad.