Originally Posted by Ciege
Using the TF3d -> MS switcher from post #18.
From TF3d I put an icon to the switcher in my start menu. When I click it I get a MortScript error "Invalid file type for MortScript" and nothing happens.
If however, I launch the switcher from Start -> All Programs it works fine.
Would really like to use the shrtcut from the TF3d start menu so I don't have to go looking for the switcher in the all programs menu list.
Regardless, I just installed SPB MS today and the switcher was the first app I installed after that. Thank you!
This may have to do with the way it calls those shortcuts. Most of them are straight exe files with no arguments.
The shortcut for this program is
"\Program Files\TF3D Switcher\Mortscript.exe" "\Program Files\TF3D Switcher\TF3D to Mobile Shell Switcher.mscr"?\Program Files\TF3D Switcher\Icons.dll,-2
You may try to edit the registry at "HKLM/Software/HTC/Manila/ProgramLauncher" These are your shortcuts in the manilla start menu. I cannot test them as I am running 2.5