Hi everyone
I have been using the MightyROM6 Final Release for a couple weeks, and aside from the hard-reset I had to perform (posted about in detail) on Christmas day it has been very smooth.
However, the only other huge issue I have been experiencing is Opera use - ALWAYS running out of memory. I either get a pop-up on screen display "out of memory" or Opera repeatedly closes without warning and anything I was doing or working on is lost.
I tried adjusting the memory cache up to 9,000kb (slighty more than double the default) but still get memory pop-ups after literally 2 minutes of very light use with only ONE tab open. Plus, on the previous TP1 I had for a couple years, I never had to adjust any Opera setting and it worked like a dream
Is this issue normal, either for the version of Opera baked into MightyROM6 or MightyROM in general?
Are there any settings I can adjust, newer stable versions I can download of Opera... or other custom Roms that have been demonstrated as stable on the TP1 cdma?
Thanks so much!