Originally Posted by twisteddan
Going to upload as soon as I get home. Needs a few minor tweaks (htc settings appearing in the start menu) but is basically the same as Twisted Three except.........Manila 2.5 baby!!!!!
Just as fast and stable.....I haven't had time to thoroughly test it. But, it's looking great so far............No landscape other than album viewer, text, and music tab... But, I don't care for now......... I GOT THE DANG THING TO WORK...
And it is exactly what I wanted (Sense 2.5 on an older build 21874) I don't like the new builds.
As far as the games how about you send me a PM of any of the newer ones that you might have.
LOL did you forget a semi-colon in the no messaging client package??!?! Five bucks says u did. I'm Glad you got it working. Ive had it working on com2 for a WHILE ... stepping up com com3+ caused TRAGEDY. Ive rebuilt from scratch about 5 times... Just trying to iron out some wrinkles. I THINK my kitchen should just drop SYS now. Kinda like caulks