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Old 12-18-2007, 10:46 AM
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Originally Posted by hippity.hoppity View Post
"cutting edge" has nothing to do with anything. I'm running AS on a 5 year old laptop with XP Pro and Office 2007 and sync just fine with my Touch. I did, however, have to reinstall Office because it wouldn't sync at first. AS is incredibly finnicky.

Also, your recommendation of staying with the old version of Office makes no sense since AS can't sync with anything below Office 2007 if you want to sync everything.
I use active sync 4.5 with Outlook 2003 and the touch. I had absolutely no problems syncing email, contacts, calendar, and notes. I eventually ditched that and started syncing OTA directly to the exchange 2003 server so that I no longer have to connect my phone to my computer. You don't need version 2007 of anything for the touch to work well. I don't know why you would say,
"Also, your recommendation of staying with the old version of Office makes no sense since AS can't sync with anything below Office 2007 if you want to sync everything."
I have no intention of upgrading to exchange 2007, office 2007, or vista anytime soon, and I have no need to. If I'm missing something, please tell me, but otherwise don't spread misinformation.