Originally Posted by MILH0U5E
Just to be clear, I get the .apk on my computer by connecting my phone to it and copying that file right?
However you will need a suitable root explorer to transfer the file from the Data\App to the SDCard... and then to your computer.
The USB mount transfer to PC will not have suitable access so that is why you have to use a root-enabled file explorer on your Hero to bring it to your SDCard where you can access it...
Originally Posted by jbearamus
Just a quick qustion guys, can I use that totalcommander program to get an apk from the phone. I don't need to mod the file just extract the apk from my hero so I can put it on my archos 5 IMT which doesn't have its own marketplace access
I havent tried Total Commander for transferring but I do not think Total Commander has the ability to does this as of yet.