Re: [ROM]RootRom/DarkRoot/MaxDarkRoot 2.5/28011 - Dec 29 2009 and NinjaRom TF3D 2.1/2
D/L the Sense 2.1 12/29 build earlier before going to work, FD as i was driving (my apologies if that somehow generated disturbing images for anyone...LMAO) and looking great so far!! As always, great job chef!
EDIT: I haven't ran Sashimi yet because I like to test drive new roms with just my PIM data but I couldn't make a call from the Contacts page. Gonna try to do a quick reflash to see if it resolves the issue before i do another FD.
Last edited by christian.a; 12-30-2009 at 11:46 AM.