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Old 12-30-2009, 11:31 AM
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Re: Should I buy a HTC Touch?

Originally Posted by natureboy View Post
Hi All,

Thanks for everyone's input! This is a great community. Based on everyone's input I just picked up the Touch today from Bell and finished updating it to the latest GPS Radio (3.42.50). Once my number gets ported over I'll attempt the NFSFAN's 6.5 21864 SYS/XIP V1.00 GENERIC CARRIER ROM. I still need to do a bunch of reading before I'm brave enough to try. Any words of wisdom?

Thanks again.
I followed the instructions in the first post here:

I am on USCC and when I received the Vogue/Touch it didn't even have a GPS radio in it. But your's does so you should just need to use the "Vogue_unlocker_MFG_2.31.exe" file to unlock your Vogue. It's very easy to use, just make sure you read through the entire first post and understand what to do before you do it cuz it's easier to read a post a few times than it is to UNbrick your device
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