Originally Posted by akinjoe
I must say thanks to all your works, it is second to none. I applied build 21882 and it appears to be the fastest of all your builds that I have tested. Unfortunately, I do notice that sound volume dropped significantly with this build. I welcome any suggestion that could help me improve call volume. From the above link, I noticed build 21887, but there is no arrow that shows that it is for titan, is it? If it is for titan, would the "HTC Mega Volume Control" resolve my call volume probelm with 21882 build? I am facinated with speed and touchyness of 21882 that I am hesitant to change it. Please I value your suggestion on this.
Thanks, and as for the 21887 it is an udated version of the 21882. There is a post on what was added. So yes it is for the titan as well. 21887 is the newest build number.
I have TP2 roms as well on that
site, but not that thread. I will put the builds for titan on top of all links so this will be understood alittle better.
I will test the volume late this evening. I use my TP2 as my everyday phone. and I won't be home till this evening.
But do flash the newest build 21887, that way I can look at it for volume. It is a better build anyway. Lemme know how the vol is on it.