Originally Posted by omnicronx
Not too hard to remove extra tab pages, problem is you probably have to do it all in the same place (or you will conflict with say the remove footprints tab. I just added what tabs I wanted to remove completely to the no footprints tweak, all you need to do is open the 26948339_manila in notepad, remove the tabs you want, and then reorder the tabs pageorders. (by that I mean every tab has a number, so if you delete tab number 7 you have to change 8 to 7, 9 to 8 etc etc..) then in the app.reg file just set the 'Enable' reg for the tab in question to 0.
ex of page in 26948339_manila, just delete the entire entry you want and reorder the page orders.
<Page Order="11" Name="docexplorer.page" PackageName="HTC" Title="[[IDS_DOCUMENTSTITLE]]">
<ComponentReference Name="page" Mode9Path="HTC\DocExplorer\documentexplorer.mode9" Component="GizmoRoot" SmartComponent="true"/>
<ComponentReference Name="icon_normal" Mode9Path="HTC\DocExplorer\docicons.mode9" Component="DocumentExplorer_Off"/>
<ComponentReference Name="icon_selected" Mode9Path="HTC\DocExplorer\docicons.mode9" Component="DocumentExplorer_On"/>
<ComponentReference Name="icon_preview" Mode9Path="HTC\DocExplorer\docicons.mode9" Component="DocumentExplorer_Preview"/>
Thanks for the info! What's a Doc Explorer Tab? Just curious
Originally Posted by Jadall
...also for people's information I found when using the pagepoolchanger.exe on the rom build make sure its pointed to the rom you are working on I discovered that it goes to the last time you ran it to that directory. in other words even though the pagepool.exe thing is in the directory with the ruu-signed.nbh it points to the last time you changed page pool.
Thanks again omj and everyone else for all their work on the roms.
Just a tip to help with that confusion (it's gotten me before too) You can always set the PP in the VK before building the .nbh file. Click the "Other" Button in the top left corner and there's a box to set the PP value which is defaulted at 6.