Re: Who plans to go HD2?
Solarfarex never said Tmobile plans are cheaper across the board, I believe he was saying that if he didn't have nights at 7 PM (mine are at 6 PM free of charge) and mobile to mobile (any network) then he would have to step up to the $139.00 dollar package on T-mobile. T-mobile nights start at 9 PM and T-mobile doesn't have mobile to mobile (any network). You can't look at the plan alone, you have to read the details. I think everyone on here thinks their carrier is the best for them, or why would you be with that carrier... Heck I bet most of us also have some type of discount. I love Sprint, never had an issue with calls, data, or customer service, if I did I would leave them.
And you can't compare Google Navigation to Sprint Navigation but i agree Sprint TV needs an upgrade.