Originally Posted by i360
You are a GSM fanboy although you are taking this all in stride which is nice. I can tell you that GSM sucks where I live (Central Florida). I had it before and couldn't get signal indoors at the mall, movie theater and the back of Walmart. My Sprint signal steps on this all day and has reception where it shouldn't be possible (like inside theme park attractions lol)... I read an article where ATT or Apple states a 30% drop rate in NYC is reasonable. Thats 3 outta 10 calls dropped. Hopefully your not being killed during one of these drops......Yikes.
Anyway i'm messing with ya and no ill will.
I understand that AT&T has coverage issues in NYC. I'm not in NYC and have great AT&T coverage everywhere I go. No dropped calls for me when I had AT&T. And I got great service in my basement, and also in the office tower I work in (Sprint has trouble at both places right now).
It's all good man, I know there's no ill will.