Originally Posted by SaltyDawg
Uh, wrong. AT&T was the #1 carrier before the iPhone. They are now the #2. There is no way anyone can say the iphone is the only reason they are bigger than Sprint. They were bigger than Sprint long before anyone ever heard of an iPhone. If anything, the iPhone is hurting AT&T because of all the users taking up data bandwidth.
And don't even get me started on Windows Mobile phones. AT&T's Touch Pro 2 has WM 6.5, and they also have that Windows Mobile phone that has a projector built in. Do you have anything to back up your claim that Sprint has more Windows Mobile users?
Now, to address your claims...
1: The conference calling is not the same thing as using simultaneous voice and data. It's a conference call. Totally different.
2: Simultaneous voice and data is not the same as a conference call.
3: No, you don't have true cell tower location with google maps. Google just maintains their own database of cell towers. If you don't know what I'm talking about, see the wuote and link I posted earlier in this thread (to the microsoft forums).
4: How can you say GSM doesn't get better phones? This entire thread is about leaving Sprint for a GSM phone, lol. GSM also has that Windows Mobile phone that has a built in projector, will be getting the Omnia Pro, The Sony Xperia series, and going back they had the Kaiser and the HTC Universal. There is no comparison here. GSM gets better phones, and I don't see how you can even try to debate that.
5: Well for starters- Sprint won't let you switch to certain phones unless you have a certain plan. That is not an issue with GSM. Plus, when you switch phones on CDMA, you are instructed to leave at least one (or both) of the phones turned off for a period of time. Not an issue with GSM.
6: There are WAY more people holding onto AT&T than there are holding onto Sprint. Again, millions of customers leave Sprint every quarter- and have for quite some time. Millions of people join AT&T every quarter, and have for quite some time. So your point about peoiple hanging onto Sprint is ridiculous. When Sprint starts gaining customers, then you might have a point. But right now, that's hillarious that you would even say something like that.
1 and 2 are the same technology not the same thing, read my post correctly man. As soon as voice and data are possible so will that conference call feature. whether its true cell tower lock or not, it instantly finds me, so thats the advantage you were talking about. As for everything else you keep continuing to go back to who has more customers and people leaving sprint, the fact that they have more customers is irrelavent to who has a better network. The reason you know this is because most of the people that leave sprint is because of customer service, not the network. Ask the majority of the people who had sprint that left and 80% of them will tell you because of customer service. Hey i'm not here to convince you to come to sprint or verizon, if you don't want to then its up to you. do you wonder why tmobile has the cheapest plans, its because they have the worst network. Sprint has the 2nd cheapest plans, its because we have the worst customer service and are losing customers everyday because. there is a reason for all the maddness.
to get this thread back on track, as everyone here, except saltydawg, has stated, I will not leave sprint to get this phone but sprint better be picking this up soon after or at least definitely before verizon.