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Old 12-29-2009, 05:08 PM
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Re: |R|6.5.3|ROM|WWE| ★ EnergyROM "Phoenix 2" 28014/21885 ★Dec 17★ Sense 2.1/Titani

Originally Posted by slizzap View Post
I'm using the EnergyROM_28011_RHOD500_25.Dec.2009_Standard.rar, just loaded it up today.

Excellent ROM. This has become my favorite so far. Just came from using MightyROM for the past month or so after the EnergyROM Leo gave me some troubles.

I'm having one minor issue that I'm wondering if anyone else is having or has seen. I have Opera set to be my default browser. When I slide to the Internet tab, there's a Bookmarks button. When I press that, it opens a blank screen. If I click on the Edit button from this screen, Opera opens up and then opens up my Bookmarks folder which shows the bookmarks I have (currently about a dozen). Any reason why these aren't showing when I click on the Bookmarks button from the Internet tab? It's as if it's pointing to the wrong folder or something since it's not seeing any of the bookmarks I created.

This is probably about as minor as an issue can be, so it's not that big of a deal...but something I'd still like to get fixed. That said, great job!
Solved my own problem. Here's the resolution in case anyone else has the same problem, which is likely. I'm guessing something changed with the new builds of Opera 9 (or 9.7 in this case, which is included in the Dec. 25th build I'm using) since all the information I've found puts the Bookmarks file (opera6.adr) in the \Windows\Opera9 folder. The opera6.adr file is actually found in \Windows\Opera9\Profile with this ROM. I simply copied the file to \Windows\Opera9 and now the Internet tab Bookmarks button actually shows my Bookmarks now. The only downside is that I'll have to manually copy it over again if I make any changes to the Bookmarks.
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