Originally Posted by aamon17
Ziggy, I have it sending & receiving on VZW (MightyROM Impact_3 12/23 ). THANK YOU! But, when I send myself a pic that's high resolution @ 520k, I receive it at low resolution, smaller dimensions, and @ about 35k. It just shrinks everything.
Am I missing a setting??? I went into the MMS settings and Resolution is set to "Original". Not sure what else to check. Any help is appreciated.
There's only one reg setting that comes to mind, HKLM\SOFTWARE\Jataayu\Messaging\MaxMediaSize, currently set to 0x12c (300K), try upping that to at least 0x258(600K).
Haven't tried sending any big pics yet, maybe it auto resizes on the phone or the mms server. Have you tried sending it to an email address, does it resize then? If not, maybe it's the VZW mms server.