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Old 12-29-2009, 02:28 AM
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Re: Would you buy this phone again?

Originally Posted by SComp23 View Post
I text all the time and never have any problems. Just turn off Word Suggestion and delete your text messages every once in a while, no problems.
I can appreciate your suggestion, and when I do delete the texts it stays pretty stable. But as someone that does text a lot, I find it a pain to manually delete texts. If I don't delete them within a day or two, the phone slows down to an almost unusable state. There should be a feature that can auto delete once you reach xxx amount of texts or it xx days old.

Also if you want to keep one text out of a thread, you cant lock it and delete the rest. Your only option is to open the thread select all, then deselect the one you want to save and delete. WAY TOO MUCH WORK!