Thread: 6800 or i760?
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Old 12-17-2007, 04:34 PM
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After using the i760 for a little over a month I decided to buy a 6800. My main reasons for wanting to get a 6800 were due to the availability of ROMs in the future. Here's my list of items that factor ino how I see the two phones.

6800 Pros:
1) extra 128MB RAM

2) camera resolution

3) Camera flash can be used as a flashlight... I use this a surprising amount of the time and did on my 6700. Light stays on! i760 flashes when picture taken only.

4) KEYBOARD. Much better feel/function than the i760

5) send/end key placement. It's easy to hit the send key on the i760 when using the keyboard because it needs a little more space between body and top row of keys.

6) microSDHC support. The i760 can support up to 4GB of SDHC, hopefully someone will be able to fix that, but the 6800 seems to be able to go all the way to 8GB so far - I have a 4GB that is definietly SDHC compliant and tried a 6GB in the i760 with no luck with the same patch that opened up the 4GB. My knowledge on the 6800 support of 8GB is based purely on what I've read in posts.


i760 Pros
1) camera low light quality. Samsung makes digital cameras, they put some of that tech in this phone it seems because a head to head test in the same conditions reveals a much cleared picture in low light on the i760, granted it is a lower resolution picture, but the difference is night and day (no pun intended).

2) Bluetooth. Not even close!!! i760 beats the 6800 in the range tests every time - tested using jawbone headset. i760 has 1.5 to 1.75 times the range.

3) Volume. Both bluetooth gain and earpiece volume are WAY better on the i760 (this may be fixable with tweaks on the 6800 but I'm not sure)

4) Build quality... samsung just feels more solid, not nearly as much torquing or flexing with pressure applied when keyboard closed or open.

5) BATTERY... Under exact some usage situations. Minimal signal at work, browser usage for a 30 seconds or so every 20 or 30 minutes, normal phone use... I can get 7 or so hours out of the 6800 before it shuts down. i760 (with standard battery NOT the extended) gets about 12 hours before shutting down. Granted the standard i760 battery has a slightly higher mAh rating. Using the included extended battery I can go a solid 2 days! This is a HUGE factor and considering the similarity of the underlying hardware I'm not sure why this is the case but it is consistently the same result.

6) Voice command... standard on the i760. I added ot to the 6800. perhaps it's a bluetooth issue and part of that item above, but it responds more accurately over the jawbone on the i760 without a doubt. Not sure if it's the Bluetooth 2.0 chip in the i760 or what, but it DOEs work better on the 760.


One thing to note is that the i760 has a soft spongy feeling screen that takes some getting used to but grows on you. The 760 may be slightly brighter but nothing mind blowing.

Overall I WANT to be able to keep the 6800, I know it's a more flexible and upgradable device but I can't help feeling the 760 is the superior phone as they both sit today. Battery is a huge item of concern for me as is volume... the 6800 needs a tweak if three is one available!!!!

So after much trying and searching and hoping, I'm going to have to give up on the 6800 today and return it. Hopefully the i760 will gather a following and have ROM supports going forward, but in the end does it really matter? I always upgrade once a year anyway if something new comes out and with Verizon opening it's network to all CDMA devices, as long as Sprint continues to advance the CDMA handset devices I'll happily buy one and have it put on verizon's network!!!!! I may pay more in the long run I realize, but for now the i760 is the clear winner in this contest if you can live with the shortcomings that I give the 6800 the edge in above.

If anyone has any questions post them and I'll try to answer, I've done alot more than just what I've listed in exploring the phones and trying to compare them.
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