23517 is ready for download in post 1.
Release notes:
* Still no WMP with lock screen
* OK soft button still not working in settings-personal-phone-services. Map OK to a hard button.
* Only 20 files changed from 23515, see attachment- compliments goes to the great jonnyboy.
Rom change:
Only wide range issue of this ROM so far has been the Touch engine. As it was fixed one major aspect of it wasn't- the email scrolling. I have found a solution- it makes the email scrolling work much better than before, however, please note that this solution is a tweak I made that theoretically shouldn't work at all
. I would like to emphasize that my goal is to rid the ROM of FTouch. I don't mind the Samsung touch engine's click scrolling I prefer it to FTouch since it's truly kinetic unlike FTouch but the ultimate goal is to use only MS scrolling/ touch engine if possible.
With that being said, if the scrolling in email has been an issue for you than you need to upgrade. If not I don't see anything in 23517 that would require an upgrade.