Originally Posted by Courtney1985
It's a little more pricey than others but we can back it up!! You get what you pay for right? 
???? ummm get what you pay for? what do you get more? coverage is no better they do not have a iphone.
Sprint and verizon both have the tp2 the get what you paid for term in this case gets me cause that is what this is all about is money paid.
If i could get this same plan i have with verizon that i have with sprint i still might not change cause there are many horror stories there also.
If you leave sprint for over priced verizon goodluck cause you can't beat the prices.they are going up 20 cents a line 20 CENTS yes i do not like it i have 7 lines but try and get 7 lines on verizon with all the extra's for about 150$ per month not going to happen.
Goodluck to those who leave.