Originally Posted by sonificator
I tried Juicy's yesterday, ran into this problem for the first time (thought it was something to do with his ROM) and went back Energy's since I've never had an issue with his, and here you go. I am on the 21885 MaxManila (2.7) Dec 27th - Garmin Mobile XT V5xxx, 2010 for Maps - which I think is the latest? Are you running MaxManila?
Ok spoke too soon on the no problems. I just it the low memory warning and it wouldn't run. I was at 79% used. That's too much. There is DEFINITELY some type of memory leak either with MaxManila 2.7 or the new version of Sense cause I booted up at 60% and kept increasing till I hit that error at 79%. I ran CleamRAM(level 2) with Sense on and it screwed everything up, forcing me to reboot.
This same thing happened with Juicy R7 too so I'm pretty sure the leak is not with the ROM but with either Sense or MaxManila.