Originally Posted by Lmiller1708
Just tried your 28014 and got a non-booter. SD worked fine.
Don't know what you are doing... Maybe try starting with clean and building your ROM slowly... Adding only working OEM's. It must be one of your OEM's causing the issues. Leave out all of your fixes also.
Good luck!
Thank you.Well,I know where is the problem,but...
That would be downgrading to 6.1-ish system (device info,powerexe.exe,comm manager,keylock,backlight.exe)
Whats the point of having latest build and oldest start/settings/system?
I think 23506 was the last build that vogue could handle with ease...
May be thats the reason why NFSFAN still trying to cook WM 6.5.x ROM for vogue.He updated his TP thread much more often...