Originally Posted by sj808
sorry this has been discussed too much times. Its already been proven that the answer is Touch>Mogul to the 10th power.
just look at my post history... but damn, by now everyone should know my theory on this topic.
lol, same here! so many post on this topic. agreed touch over the mogul... for most lol I liked all the features the mogul has like wifi, flashlight, ir beam, buttons and ect. and I know how to keep it running stabile so its rare I have a problem but I agree the touch is just more stable out of the box and a better choice for anyone who's not sure wich phone is better for them. but the mogul is better for me but as soon as a wm7 phone comes out like it with more memory im all over it. gave the touch to my girlfriend so I use it all the time aswell... her bigest complaint is the battery.... but I tell her I never see her charge it... like I don't know how she expects it to have battery if she only charges it at work a lil bit....while she uses it im sure... anyway lol the touch is a much better experience right out of the box cuz of ram. but u can do more with the mogul because of all its hardware...