EMERGENCY.... Need 1.56.651 Complete Stock
I have rooted my Hero on 1.5.2 and it came with 1.56.651 updated ROM. I need to go back to complete stock (with no root) because it has started to act really laggy. No matter how many times I hard reset, wipe, or do anything, the phone is still really really really laggy (way before I rooted it). I have gone back to the stock ROM but I want to go back to just complete stock, and the 1.29 RUU doesn't work because I get Bootlader Error 140. Can anyone help me? I'm still within in my 30 days at Best Buy, but didn't want to take it back unless it was stock. I don't just want to load the stock ROM, because I do that with the nand restore. When I restore it to the stock image, it still lags just as bad and just acts weird (awake time always high, etc...).