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Old 12-26-2009, 10:42 PM
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Re: Interested in helping Linux/Android development?

to get a preview of a booting android it's pretty simple...

1) download the utb android pack from here...

2) extract to the root of your memory card and rename zImage-RAPH800-2009-10-14 to zImage (delete the other zImage)

3) run haret.exe from file explorer..around 300 seconds later it will boot into the user interface of android (during boot there are alot of error messages that are a result from the hardware keyboard not being initialized correctly).

can't do very much b/c the resolution if too large. if you can go to the wave or irc channel and ask phusson to help test it out. he's willing to help but i've been to busy to work on it more.
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