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Old 12-16-2007, 05:59 PM
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Hah I have had excellent sprint customer service and the thought of them even dropping an old customer doesn't make any sense to me. They sent me a brand new mogul in the box to replace my old mogul accessories and all. On top of that before they did such the offered me a touch for 200 dollars and where going to let me keep my mogul also...i choose the mogul because it will be a better phone in the long run than all sprints phones but that topic has been discussed. I agree with everyone on the fact that the touch is more business orientated and customizable than the iphone but the iphone does what it is said to do better and thats be a media to your concern you should definitely be able to work with sprint to keep you with sprint you always talk to a hundred different people and in the end you can come to a nice solution .....o and i not had any unexpected charges on my bill since the return of the old mogul.
Well now IVe had the touch pro for about a year and welll its just as dissapointing as the mogul was they may give me this TP2 but i wonder if its time to go a different route than this WM