Originally Posted by rstoyguy
I hope everyones Christmas was good and you all got everything you wanted!
I just wanted to inform everyone of a couple changes I have planned.
1. Sense 2.1 AND 2.5. I download 2.1 from xda this morning and as-is, it is something that I want to try. Don't worry, I have Sense 2.1, 2.5, and my apps seperated in kitchen. There shouldn't be any difference in app selection in the upcoming roms!
2. Carriers... I have decided to only cook Sense roms that are Generic. There is not really anything special for the Sense roms that requires both. (since sprintTV doesn't work...) In my future releases they will all be with a "G"eneric carrier and with a pagepool of 6. Pagepool changer is included and for sprint I recommend a PP of 16-24.
I hope to have a Sense 2.1 rom out tomorrow. Hey?! I just flashed it morning!!!
Happy Holidays everyone!
RS. what are the advantages of sense 2.1 vs. 2.5? is there less resources/memory to run 2.1?