Originally Posted by Druu
Last time I used mobile shell 3.5.2, it broke the htc finger friendly menu's. Is this still an issue?
I don't know. I run it on WM 6.5, and I use the finger friendly menus of WM 6.5. It's perfect with Mobile Shell. I haven't used my stylus in what seems like forever (months). I don't know that I've ever used my stylus with WM 6.5 and Mobile Shell installed. I can't remember ever doing so at the moment at least...
So I guess I'm not entirely sure if WM6.5 is responsible for the finger friendly menus, or if HTC is. But I have finger friendly menus and can't remember the last time I had to use my stylus for anything other than setting up the screen during a ROM install, or soft resetting the device.