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Old 12-25-2009, 03:25 PM
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Re: Touch Pro 2 is all jacked up, please help!

#1 i haven't looked at that radio version, but were you sure it was compatible for your phone? If not, are in trouble and you need the stock rom and radio

#2 - you are probalby going to have to get the stock rom. Extract it, and get the nbh file and rename it to RHODIMG.nbh and put it in the root of your storage card.

#3 hold volume down and power (sleep/wake button on the Verizon variant) till the screen boots into bootloader mode (red green blue screen)

#4 when prompted press power to flash

#5 - wait for it to finnish, sometimes it will restart on its own, sometime you need to restart it yourself but make sure you wait for the flash successful screen

Originally Posted by Perception View Post

Thanks for these back and forths and trying to help me with this.

The radio I tried to flash is Radio_Rhodium_4.49.25.57

I'm definitely not pulling the USB connection during flashing, because I'm just setting it on the table next to me with the USB plugged in, not touching it, and it will still go on, and off, and on, and off periodically every few minutes.

I've tried to flash the energy rom and the stock sprint rom, but neither one can make it through the process thanks to the constant cutting on and off.

I've even tried different usb ports, and I've tried using the .nbh right on the SD card luck either way.


Radio: 2.35.00WF
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