So I was happy and ecstatic to see the new Ski-Rom and RootRom put up since I havent seen a Rom posted in a while.

Since I have Verizon, I know Im only aloted a stock rom that leaves me with 30+mb to play with (anything less then 20mb starts to lag my phone) Which limits my options of certain roms...I.e. any stuffed rom. I am SO angry at the fact after flashing both Root and Ski Roms my phone acted like it got dropped in mud and then dipped in molassas and then frozen in the artic. I checked the memory...I had 1.34mb to play with on both roms so I had NO way getting a chance to like these roms. ARGH!!! Guys you all do a GREAT job and Im not knocking your roms at all nor am I criticizing your work but the only way for me to really get a chance to play is to flash a Skinned rom and then start adding programs and I hate doing that >.<