For those of you who are interested in a battery meter, I have found a couple of resources that will help.
First, all credit goes to the people who took the time to develop the software and tweak files. I just did the research.
I have found a battery meter called Ariel Battery Monitor v2.1 found here:
The .exe file that you will extract from the zip file will need to be placed in the "\Windows\Startup\" directory. There are some settings that you will have to tweak in order to get the meter to display in the proper position. I right justified the meter, then used the arrows in the settings to move it to the left to cover the stock battery meter.
I also had to install a driver that displays the battery meter in 1% increments since the battery driver that is included in the stock roms only display in 10% increments. The driver can be found here:
Obviously, you will need to download the one that is specific to your carrier. I suspect that if you are using Alltel, you will need to use the Verizon one.
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to PM me. NATF, sorry to have posted this here in your thread, but I have seen a couple of people here ask about a battery meter similar to the one used on the Touch Pro, and this is the best solution that I could come up with since FInixNOver's battery meter seems to be incompatible with CDMA devices. If you so desire, I can start a new thread with this information, and provide a link to it in this post.
Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas.