Originally Posted by gfunk9983
By fixed in time do you mean that it will get out of that splash screen after a while ? I have no idea how to correct this. Some forums were saying that I need to flash the org. ROM and start over, but since nothing is loaded the PC will not recognize the phone. Any steps on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.
by fixed i mean with later rom release's and yes you can fix it,put your phone into bootloader manually by holding volume down key,power button and soft reseting while holding those down until you see the tri colored screen, i would flash to stock and then try another rom,you won't get past the vzw screen if you flash the same you tried, the energy rom had the issue from 11-27 till 12-17, with several releases it had the same issue,bu on dec.17 it was gone
chef's update all the time (root,ash,nrgz,rstg ect.) and in doing so they add packages for smoother operation,graphics,apps,ect. which could or could not be the reason this happens to vzw,but as i said in time it will be fixed,has been on every rom i have used