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Old 12-24-2009, 11:24 AM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd MaxManila} MM 2.7 on the Way! Full Screen Soft Keys Added! Out Before X

Originally Posted by eman View Post
Cant seem to get the background for hdwalls cabs to show? Anyone have any luck with this? I need some high quality wallpapers to show and not the crappy low res backgrounds.
testing now

here is quote from post 2
Wallpaper - there are 3 types of wallpaper here.
a. BG4all - this is the wallpaper which will automatically load up when you select through MENU/Home Wallpaper/Weather Wallpaper. Wallpaper will show on all tabs and is not fullscreen. If you leave it, it will not display anything. Setting is "B".

b. Full - the file is a 1024x768 size jpg called "MaxBackground.jpg". This wallpaper will fill up fullscreen and all tabs. It is used in 3 different functions.
  • "P" - stands for panoramic. When this is activated, you can swipe left/right to pan the wallpaper.
  • "F" - stands for full. It will remain still at where you have previously panned.
  • "H" - stands for home only. This wallpaper will only show in home and the other tabs will have the default wallpaper (read below)
c. Default - this is the manila wallpaper that requires app like HDWall to create. Rather than using the latest file of 512x1024, I have reworked a fullscreen default wallpaper using the old filenames. If you are using HDWall, go to config and select profile "TouchFLO v2.5 BETA - No Compression - All Tabs".
  • 4bfcbbee_manila
  • 54612042_manila

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