Thread: Stuck buttons
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Old 12-24-2009, 11:10 AM
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Re: Stuck buttons

When I received my Imagio it had a huge gap between the screen and the buttons so I had it exchanged for another new one right away. The new replacement also had the gap so I gave up and kept it.

Unfortunately, three weeks later the end button on the replacement is now stuck down. The phone will work but the end key is really hard to press.

I called Verizon and they tried to replace it with a certified "like new" but I told them no way with a phone that was three weeks old. I didn't pay for a used phone. After an hour of complaining on the phone and talking to 3 different people they finally relented and I have a new replacement on the way.

Of course, Verizon said they have not heard of this issue which is hard to believe since all of you on the above posts have replaced your phones for the same problem. Aslo, i called HTC who said they have not heard of it either. I think I smell a rat.

It amazes me that a manufacturer can not make buttons that work reliably. I understand issues with cutting technology (yes I can even forgive my storm) but this is a simple click push button.

I would bail on this phone in a hot second except that other than the button and light leak issue, I really love the phone.

Come on HTC, get it right!

BTW, my new Imagio was a replacement for my Storm. I had 5 of those fail for various reasons in 8 months. Also, 2 of the "certified like new" phones didn't even work out of the box so I have no faith in the remanufactured ones at all.

Now since the end of last Febuaby I've had 5 Storms and 3 Imagio's. That's an aweful lot of running back and forth to Fed ex, Complaints and endless time on the phone with Verizon, billing screw ups on the replacements.

The funny thing is about three years ago I had the same issue with a Samgung i780 and some Palm Treo smart phones running Palm OS. The Palms would work for a month and then just plain stop working. Verizon never had an issue with those either, but for some mysterious reason they were pulled form the shelves after only 4 months. Hmmm.... Went through 5 of those as well until I got a Palm Treo running Windows. That phone was extrememly reliable. Nothing like the other ones. I still have that one sitting in the Drawer. Still looks new and is very reliable. Just doesn't have all of the features I like that this has. All of my DUMB phones were also great and never had problems.

Sorry for the rant. Just sick of crappy quality and then Verizon tries to act like there is no problem. I'm sure there are many more stuck buttons on these phones but people just don't mention it on forums like this as a rule.

Last edited by johncal; 12-24-2009 at 11:13 AM.
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