Originally Posted by Boogeyman
Done deal, and it works! Thanks! Thanks to Haus as well. I realized after I posted that I could also copy and paste the text that Haus gives into notepad. Then re-save it as an .mscr rather than .txt file. Throw that file into the windows/startup folder. Then soft reset the phone or turn it off and then back on. Bam, problem solved. This backlight screen bug was driving me nuts all day until I found this thread! Appreciate the help!
I'm glad you got it sorted. Yes, the attachments are at the bottom of the post, and I pasted the text of the .mscr file as well so that people could see what it does.
I'm glad the backlight fix helped you. If you can, do me a favor and hit the "thanks" button you see at the bottom of the post(s) that helped you out. (if you haven't done so)
Nice to see more people enjoying this thread...I hope Samsung gets their act together and fixes this stuff (along with the message light), but I'm not holding my breath.