Originally Posted by OMJ
sorry for the delay in kitchen update....I'll be including Sense 2.1, though I havent had a chance to test it.
I rebuilt the kitchen based off calkulins v4.2......cooked a rom & now the radio is acting funny....shows no signal strength, just the dots as if it's searching for signal, but data works fine. Went back to current kitchen, all good.
Hey the signal bars is a reg edit that was left out of that kitchen. Ill get it for you.
Here is the reg for the Globe:
"EnableDataAnimation" = dword:00000000
"Enable1XEVStatus" = dword:00000001
Fix for the signal bars:
"EnableDualSignal" = dword:00000000
Thanks to SOHKis. He found these for me over in Calks Kitchen thread. I have tested and it does fix the signal bars and globe.