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Old 12-23-2009, 09:26 PM
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Re: [ROM]RootRom/DarkRoot/MaxDarkRoot 2.5/28011 - Dec 23 2009 and NinjaRom TF3D 2.1/2

Originally Posted by tsperez View Post
What are the options in Showcase Settings? I tried searching but can't find any documention on the settings.

I also can't pull up the old task manager. I thought this was an option on 1223 ROM.

Not sure about the old task manager, but here's a screen shot of the settings page for Showcase,

  • Anything listed in the top text box will not be displayed in the Showcase App. This way you can't accidentally close manila or cprog.
  • The big gray box in the middle toggles it on and off.
  • The first check box will move the Close button from the Far Left to the Far Right.
  • The second check box makes a really small tap area, not recommended in my opinion.
  • The third option hides the Showcase Icon, because the time is displayed in the upper right corner, they would be on top of each other if unchecked. Resulting in the screen shot (Post #518) posted a few replies before this one.
To access the Showcase task manager, simply touch and hold the upper right corner where the clock is. This will change the header bar to show the Close button, a Return button and a Showcase access button when appropriate.

If your using Sashimi or something, you can use the following REG to pre-configure Showcase automatically. You can also simply import the settings using your reg editor if you like.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\e-Natives Technology\Showcase]
Sprint Touch ProIf we helped in any way, be sure to let us know.

Last edited by smotrs; 12-23-2009 at 09:33 PM.
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