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Old 12-15-2007, 07:57 PM
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Ok... its kind of irritating to see people "bash" the iPhone simply because they have a PPC. There's a iPhone in my household, so I play with it all the time.

First off, the iPhone's speed kicks our ass. 800mhz!!! thats double then what the Touch has.

You have to admit that the iPhone is good for what it does. Its not a PPC... its a entertainment device. If you're really into listening to music, watching movies, stream youtube but don't wanna carry that device and a phone... then get a iPhone. Simple as that. I don't give a f*ck what anyone says on here, I'm not replacing my 60g iPod with my Touch. I have a iPod in-car sollution and I don't even use CDs anymore. Its somewhat more realistic to replace my iPod with a 8g iPhone (or the rumor'd 16g coming soon).

I'm not a iPhone supporter but I'm not bashing it either. I use to do that when it first came out... "try make people stay away from purchasing it". But I learn what works for might not work for you. This one guy at my job just bought a Touch and he's constantly asking me how to do things on it. I'm thinking to myself "yo, its not that hard to figure it out". I'm about to tell him go get a iPhone.

Even though the Touch/PPCs can do the samethings, thats not its core purpose. And honestly, the iPhone has us beat with the "entertainment" side. Yes, we have hacks to stream more then youtube... but the quality and the screen size is better.

Like I stated earlier, find out whats more important to you. Multimedia Phone or All-Around Device?
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But you can never lose women chasing money"

Last edited by sj808; 12-15-2007 at 08:03 PM.