Originally Posted by Whotahn
It works bro. Several Big V users have to use the PagePool changer to get the results they need due to gimped RAM. Heck I know f several users using NRGs page pool changer to chage other ROMs pp. I have been on EnergyROM since the initial drop here and there have been a chit ton of posts regarding changing the page pool so I know you will find all kinds of info in this thread alone.
I was just looking at the page pool for the Dec_21_21885 build and the page pool was set to 6. I have been having difficulties getting Energy custom RUU to work on my machine. so i copy and past his .NBH file into another folder with a RUU i know to work on my machine. This folder has all the normal files you might find in juicy's zip file, or anyone else's zip file expect Energy, along with the rom.
My question is would can i change the pagepool and what might be a good setting for a Sprint TouchPro. It anyone has tried this on the 21885 build i would appreciate some feed back.
Thanks in advance!