It is almost here! 1750 mAh for the droid eris. Do not fear, it is the SAME SIZE! Which means no bigger battery door, no klunkyness! Maybe just a little extra weight, and more life! It isn't out yet, but I am hopping for the best! And for you crazy folks a 3500mAh They say it will NOT require a bigger door but let's face it, that is probably imposable! Direct quote
- More capacity in the same form factor
- Fits in existing space so no replacement door is needed
- Perfect replacement for your original battery
- Capacity: 3500 mAh"
Who know maybe Seidio has invented space folding technology and it only costs $70! Good luck, another tip! Turn off syncing with Google, and do it manually. menu->settings->data sync->google->auto sync. Leave background data on otherwise many problems occur in apps!
I am Droid,