Originally Posted by Mojary
im aware that the sensor turns the screen off when you have the phone against your ear. any idea then why some programs open up by their own? it always opens the owner info screen, calendar and programs folder. it doesnt do it often...i'd say at least once every few days. and like i said in my original post, it somehow happens when im talking on the phone because when i close the phone screen, that's when all these screens are open all at the same time.
Hi Mojary,
I've gotten the screen to turn back on during a call, with a standard provider ROM, if I dial a number and then immediately put the phone up to my ear. There is a short vibration on the device when the phone connects to make the call, and you have to wait until after that short buzz to put the phone up to your ear if you want the proximity sensor to work properly.
As far as I can tell, what happens when the sensor "malfunctions" is: 1) You hit "Call" and then immediately put the phone to your ear, 2) The sensor turns off the screen, 3) The phone connects to the network and you get the short buzz as it updates your call screen, which also turns the screen back on, 4) Random button presses can then occur because the sensor does not turn the screen back off. I've never had a problem with the sensor working improperly if I wait till after feeling the device buzz (indicating that it's contacted the network) before placing it up to my ear.
Hope that helps.