Originally Posted by Dragon2
Its like going to the tp2 forum with a Droid saying ya wanna make the switch to the tp, Everyone will tell you yes because the tp2 is better, then here they will say the droid is better...........
I PERSONALY have a buddy with the droid, and although the OS is nice, Im just a Winmo fan, And the keyboard sucks bads on the droid... I also found I use the Tilt alot more than I thought I would.........
I THINK there pretty close and you wouldnt go wrong either way......... I want the best phone out also, and for me, its the tp2 for now..........
Well put. There is no phone thats perfect for everyone. In my opinion the Droid is the best thing out there, if I didnt think that, I would have bought the TP2 which was the same price. Droid does what I want and how I want it to do it, but what you want could very well be exactly opposite. As crazy as it may seem to the rest of us, if access to a single online radio station is the most important feature for your phone selection, then you must get the phone that plays your radio station and does it well. As far as hardware, the only thing I dont like about the TP2 is the resistive touch screen, I'll never have another resistive touch screen device. The main thing that turned me away from the TP2 though was WM, WM can do a lot of things, but I was tired of fighting with the operating system to convince it that it could do those things lol.