Originally Posted by brandogg
I think the thread is locked. I have been using it for a couple days, I think it's pretty great. It would be nice to have a scrolling channel selector always on the screen, as well as volume control (though I always set it to max anyway). Both are easily accessible by the two softkeys on the bottom, though. Give it a try, it's easily the best Sirius software I've used on Windows Mobile.
That particular thread is locked, but there are comments being posted in the SiriusWM6 thread. Go figure. Hey, Dave's the Admin...
I have been running SXRadio2 for a couple of days. And I like it!
Even suggested a change (optional album art) and Dave had the new version posted in just a few hours.
True, it's alpha and there are a few things about it that are non-intuitive, but it can connect and stream over the crappy network here when SiriusWM6 can't, so I'm a happy camper.