ALI (GPS) Hack for HTC MOGUL 6800?
I'm wondering if there is a way, or current hack, that will allow me to enable the use of Automatic Location Identification = ALI / GPS on my HTC Mogul (PPC6800) without it interfering with 911 calls.
In the users guide under FCC Enhanced 911 (E911) Rules (page 176) The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires wireless carriers to transmit specific latitude and longitude location (Automatic Location Identification = ALI) information AS WELL AS “911†calls to Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) to identify the location of the caller in case of emergency. Generally, the rules require that carriers identify an E911 caller’s location within 50 meters of the actual location for 67 percent of calls and within 150 meters of the actual location for 95 percent of calls. The Mogul is an ALI-capable smart device equipped with a GPS (Global Positioning System) receiver supporting a satellite-based GPS ALI-capable network to comply with the FCC’s ALI requirements. So... how do I enable ALI?