All the credit for this one goes out to Zitoun over at XDA.... someone posted a link for the Sense 2.5 verison in Mightymikes War Rom posting and i liked using it so much that i changed the files names to make it work for Sense 2.1, i'm using a Verizon TP2 and it works perfect.
for the original :
I have been Playing with files and made a couple new versions hope you like them.
Please Spread any Appreciation you may have to the many developers on this site. Without them, non of this would be possible, I am just using what they have worked hard at providing.
WARNING!!! - You must uninstall the previous clock before installing the next or else you won't be able to completely uninstall the previous one after...ever thing will work fine but you will be left will uninstallable files in your remove files window...
Hey Chefs, I have Posted Up the manila Files for all my clocks. Help yourself to them. i'd like to see what others can create...
If anyone has any problems with anything...please let me know so i can fix it...