Originally Posted by Ride33
If you already have a sdkcerts installed then do you have to do it again? Also do you install in order? I installed it and icons where not right so i tryed to uninstall and they would not. so a hard reset was needed. Also does the tv icon stay white?
Ride, I'm not a pro like these guys but have had the same "sdkcerts" question myself. I have had that for other installs and always wondered if the same one would work for all. It does. Or at least it has everytime I have needed it. So i think were good. One "sdkcerts" is all you need.
Yes the TV icon stays white. I installed in order (except for the cirtificate cab) and it worked perfectly. The white "TV" icon isn't that bad to live with. Everybody hates that icon but i subscribe to the service and want it there..