Originally Posted by zone23
Just too many options now. The only issue I see is that the ice building up on the clock is off. This is because the clock was bigger in 2.5. I've seen this issue in other clocks as well. Like the dusk clock the ice builds up about a 1/16 above the clock. This is strictly cosmetic and does not effect the phone. The facebook seems to work fine for me I was able to log in with out issues and it found all of my friends no problem. Also the calendar tab doesn't show the actual date like 2.5 does. So now the question which ROM do I use? The landscape wasn't an issues for me in 2.5. With that said since it works on 2.1 makes me want to use it. What I don't like is the old style people tab. What I do like is its faster. SO i'm up in the air with this phone. Which way do you go? I really like the Xmas 2.5.
What i was talking about with facebook was the fact that with 2.5, all i had to do was restore my contacts with myphone, log into facebook with the account manager, and my contacts would automatically be linked to their respective facebook accounts and restored automatically to the people tab. With 2.1, I have to go back and link each individual person 1 at a time. If you have a solution for that little annoyance i will definitely appreciate it.