Build 011010 and greater!
Autorun customization differences
In the ROM build 011010 and greater I have tried to save you some space when it comes to the size of the ROM. To do so, I install Google Maps and Opera 10 during Autorun. To accomplish this I must unhide the autorun screen and allow you to answer some questions on Google maps and Opera install. It is just as though you were installing them as Cabs. Here are the correct answers for the questions you will be presented with.
Q - Do you want to set Opera 10 as Default Web Browser?
A - No
Q - Do you want to launch Opera 10 now?
A - No
Google maps:
Q - Do you accept the disclaimers?
A - Yes
Hit OK
Click the "X" to exit Google Maps
Now Autorun will continue and reset your device.
Switching Internet Browsers
We now have cabs within in the Start/Internet folder that will allow us to switch the default browser at will between Opera Mobile 9.7 (set as Default) and Opera Mobile 10.
Just go to Start/Internet and select the cab you want; Set Opera 10 as Default or Set Opera 9.7 as Default. Install to Device. That's it!
To switch back simply install the other cab.
If the mood suits you, you can continue to switch back and forth by just running the cab and installing it again.
Note: In the Sense 2.1 ROM you will be switching between Opera 9.5 and Opera 10. Same situation and procedure. Opera 9.5 should be default after flash. This will enable Push Internet!
To enable Visual Bookmarks in MaxDusk and Standard ROMs:
Opera Mobile 9.7 MUST be set as the Default Browser, which it should from flash unless you answer "Yes" to the Opera 10 install during UC.
First open IE and set the bookmark there.
Then go to the Internet Tab and Click "Add"
A list of the IE Favorites will come up, select the Bookmark you want displayed in the Internet Tab.
Initially you will see a default icon in the Tab you just set, this will change to a Visual Bookmark after you launch it for the first time with OM 9.7.
Once loaded, you can close Opera and you will see your new Visual Bookmark.
Some sites may take longer to change over than others, in testing Google and changed instantly, had a small delay.
Once set with 9.7 you can switch to Opera Mobile 10 and they will work!
Homescreen Alignment:
If you see an alignment issue with your MaxManila Alert icons and/or Quicklinks, try setting the resolution to W within the MaxManila settings, this should take care of it.
This is only if you are using the Alert Icons and have an issue.
All Builds
Footprints Instructions:
After you add a new footprint go to the album and select the picture. Tap the screen and then tap on the VERY bottom of the popup menu on the left. There is a hidden icon on below the screen which is actually selectable. On the subsequent menu tap "Set as Footprint". If anyone can figure out how to fix that menu in Album 3.2 lemme know and I'll be glad to cook it in. Tried every way from Sunday and it won't fix. I think it is in the exe.
Max Manila instructions:
Removes the extra "Clear Storage" Icon in the system menu.