Originally Posted by killerkhatiby009
Love the ROM well designed except the only thing I notice is that there is a noticeable lag when typing text messages that did not occur in other ROMS ive tried. Very much the same as the lag that plagued the Touch Pro 1. Overall the ROM is pretty decent speed but i wish it'd be a little bit faster (I even changed the pagepool to 32 to no avail). But other than the speed issue i love this ROM!  But i just wish there was a very bare bones vanilla 6.5.3 ROM with just manilla 2.1 (or a cab to install it) and whatever else is needed for the phone to boot and run correctly. Something like the DCD ROM of the TP1/Mogul.
Malatesta is aware of the issue for text and email lag and the fix is in the next update (discussed earlier in the thread) which he said should be Monday. Other than the lag, I've not found a ROM quite this fast, and I've tried virtually all of them.